King’s Church International in Robertson, South Africa, and in Windsor, UK are committed to keeping families warm in Robertson.

It is winter in South Africa with extremely harsh and cold conditions. The poorest are the most affected by this, often living in shacks with no heating or protection from the elements, and there are many children and families suffering from the cold and in their health as a result.

Senior Pastors Wes and Adriana have responded with urgency to this situation and KCI is donating hundreds of blankets to the most affected families. Each blanket costs £6 (120 SA Rand).

If you wish to support, please send your gift by bank transfer to King's Church International:

Account: 11635558
Sort Code: 16-31-27
Reference: SA Blankets + your name

Alternatively, you can send a cheque to King's House, 77A Frances Road, Windsor, SL4 3AQ made out to 'King's Church International' with 'SA BLANKETS' written on the back.

Thank you for your ongoing and generous support which is helping so many in Robertson at this time.