The Windsor Foodshare do amazing work; currently providing for 45 families (and increasing) per week.

In December we worked closely with the Windsor Foodshare to provide for people who would otherwise go hungry, and we have been working to create a regular collection plan to ensure there is sustained support from the church.

You can now bring food items to the first Sunday Service of each month and it will be taken to the foodbank. Please review the specific need below. As a church, we are keen to fill all of the basic monthly needs.



There is a particular need for some regular basics at the moment.

  • Tinned meat

  • Jars of cooking sauce

  • Tinned pasta (e.g. spaghetti hoops)

  • Tinned vegetables

Not Needed

There is currently a surplus of some items, so please do not donate these.

  • Dried Pasta

  • Cereal

Alternatively to the monthly collections at the services, you can take donations directly to the food bank at Dedworth Green Baptist Church. Please see the Food Bank website for more information on who they are, what they do, and how you can get involved.